Safe Healthy motherhood and homoeopathy – Dr. Kajal Varma


mother’s day

• It is not only the magic in the word, motherhood, that  lights up the faces of all women,

Dr kajal Verma -Homoeopathy physician

more than that, it is  some eternal feeling, some exceptional bond that the women feel for this very special phenomenon of life.
• Feeling a tiny heartbeat and a playful kick inside the womb is an experience that every woman cherishes. Being able to deliver a new life is the most wonderful
power of a woman.
• It is important that such a special phase called motherhood passes without any major problem to your child or to your body.
• A healthy motherhood is about tackling pregnancy-related problems well in time, so that
they do not increase any further to make your experience more of the sort you would like
to forget. This is totally, and safely, achievable by Homoeopathy – a safe and gentle
A healthy motherhood is not only your right, but also your responsibility.
• Homoeopathy is the best choice for a mother for her day to day problems, both, during
and after pregnancy.
• During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is generally advised to restrict the intake of
strong medicines, in the best interest of both mother’s and child’s health.
• Homoeopathic medicines, as they contain the medicinal properties in a diluted-yet-
effective manner, are free from side effects.
• Homoeopathy is, therefore, safe and gentle for all ages and phases of a person’s life,
including pregnancy. Many problems occurring before pregnancy (like difficulty in
conceiving, secondary infertility, etc.), during pregnancy
(antenatal), during labour (natal) and after childbirth (post natal ) are easily traceble by Homoeopathy.

Why consider homeopathy for mums and babies?
▪ homeopathic medicines are prepared from plants and other substances which are poisonous in their raw form, by the time they have been prepared as medicines for sale or prescription they are completely non-toxic and they be given safely to breast-feeding mums as well as to children, from the first day of life onwards.
▪ the remedies work by stimulating the body’s own healing mechanisms. That’s not to say the modern medicine is of no value.

What are some examples of conditions commonly and successfully treated by homeopathy during pregnancy?

Chronic miscarriage, nausea, vomiting, anemia, malnutrition, emotional problems, headaches, yeast infections, fatigue, digestive issues, bowel complaints, hemorrhoids, bleeding, hypertension, and edema. There are actually many, many more! Pre pregnancy, homeopathy can even alleviate fertility struggles.

What about actual labor and delivery issues? How is homeopathy used in preparation for and during childbirth?

Homeopathy works wonders with childbirth and labor! We can slow and stop premature labor and false labor. There are gentle ways to induce labor with remedy. There are homeopathic remedies for changing the baby’s presentation, believe it or not, as well as ways to help with prolonged labor, back labor, and difficult labor.

After delivery healing?

Homeopathy can treat most post postpartum complications, even the pain of a C-section recovery. Some very important are:

Wound healing
Arnica is probably taken by many women after the baby is born as it is good for helping the body to heal areas of bruising. However, I don’t recommend it routinely because often Bellis perennis (the daisy) is more effective. This has been described as the “gynaecological Arnica”. It certainly seems to help better when most of the bruising is internal. Like Arnica, the bruise is painful and the person doesn’t want the sore bit to be touched.

Sometimes a more pressing problem is a tear or a cut (an episiotomy). This is more common if there has been a forceps delivery. She will be feeling hard done by, or feeling that ahe wasn’t treated well by the staff.

The homeopathic term for this is “indignation” – the feeling that “it shouldn’t have happened to me. It’s not fair!” This state is typical of the remedy Staphysagria and if taken over the next few days, it can promote the healing of the wound as well as begin to settle the woman’s distress. Staphysagria is also a great remedy for healing clean, surgical cuts, so it is also indicated after caesarean section.

Another useful remedy to have to hand is Calendula.

Breast problems

Mastitis is a common problem. When it occurs suddenly and the breast becomes red, swollen, hot and tender, then Belladonna might speed resolution of the problem, although antibiotics may still be indicated. If the inflammation isn’t caught early enough, and an abscess has formed then Hepar sulph might be a better-indicated remedy. Usually once the pus has formed, the stage of Belladonna has passed.

Cracked nipples can be very painful and really make breast-feeding difficult, if not impossible. When the cracks are accompanied by sharp, shooting pains in the breast when the baby feeds, then Phytolacca may help, especially if the pains seem to shoot out from the breast to other parts of the body.

Calendula cream is a good application for cracked nipples. Stitching pain in the breast when the baby feeds in the absence of cracks around the nipples can be helped with Kali carbonicum.

Baby blues

“Baby blues” are very common around the fifth day. You might find yourself becoming very tearful and upset at that time, or, alternatively, irritable and anxious. If you find that having company at this time helps, then you may find Pulsatilla helpful. However, if you find that company and consolation actually make you feel worse, then Natrum muriaticum might be the more indicated medicine.

Postnatal depression, on the other hand, is far more serious. If your sad or upset feelings continue beyond a few days then it would be a good idea to discuss it with your homoeo physician or gynaecologist.Even in the most troublesome postnatal depression, homeopathic remedies can be useful, but in such a situation it’s harder to self-treat so it would be better to consult a homeopathic specialist.
Remembering that homeopathy is nontoxic and covers a large scope of conditions, you will find it perfect to use with our littlest ones and the whole family too.i wish all the mothers a happy and healthy motherhood .


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