Pantnagar Metal Plant receives Par Excellence Award


Hindustan Zinc’s Pantnagar Metal Plant received Par Excellence Award in 5S & Kaizen in the 5th National Enclave on 5S organized by Quality Circle Forum of India.

Over 75 companies from all over the country participated in the conclave held at BIT, Sathyamangalam, Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) on 9th -10th February 2018. The theme for the conclave was – “Enhance Global Competitiveness through 5S”.

PMP received Par Excellence Award in 5S and also received Par Excellence Award in Kaizens with the highest saving Kaizen out of 56 different companies.

On behalf of Hindustan Zinc, the award was received by Mr. VK Singh Mr. SK Rahaman and Mr. Rajesh Dabi.


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