मुहर्रम 2012 – बलिदान और शहादत का महिना


[quote_center]Hussain is a role model that all human beings can aspire to; his spirit lives on forever in the human conscience. He taught us the true purpose of our existence – the perfection of our morals and ethics. In his own words he sums it up beautifully: “Death with dignity is better than a life of humiliation”[/quote_center]

Muharram Udaipur 2012

Muharram Udaipur 2012

Muharram Udaipur 2012

Muharram Udaipur 2012

Muharram Udaipur 2012

Muharram Udaipur 2012

Muharram Udaipur 2012

Muharram Udaipur 2012

Muharram Udaipur 2012

Muharram Udaipur 2012

Muharram Udaipur 2012




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