Homoeopathy ,wings of Hope for recurrent abortion – Dr Kajal Verma


Abortion refers to expulsion of the fetus from uterus before the 20th week of gestation. When abortion occurs spontaneously, it is referred to as spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. Vaginal bleeding occurring during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is referred to as threatened abortion. Bleeding varies from light spotting to heavy bleeding. This may or may not be attended with abdominal pain. Recurrent or habitual abortion refers to three or more spontaneous abortions occurring one after the other without any intervening pregnancy

Causes of abortion /miscarriage

-Fetal and maternal complaints are the two major causes of miscarriage. Causes related to fetus are mainly related to genetic makeup of the fetus. The most frequent cause of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy is abnormal development of fetus, that is either due to chromosomal abnormality or teratogenic factor.

-Immunological factors may also present as a responsible factor for miscarriage. Another

डॉ. काजल वर्मा

common cause of early miscarriage includes abnormalities in implantation. Placental circulation does not develop due to inadequate implantation, leading to poor fetal nutrition, which ultimately may cause miscarriage.

-Miscarriage may also cause when the corpus luteum on the ovary fails to produce sufficient progesterone to maintain deciduas basalis.

-Failure of the growth of fetus due to an infection may also cause miscarriage, infections like Rubella, Syphilis, and Poliomyelitis readily cross the placenta and can produce complications.

-Teratogenic drugs like isotretinoin can be a cause for miscarriage.

Other causes mainly include

-Ager over 42 years
-Excessive smoking during pregnancy
-Alcohol intake during pregnancy
-Serious health problems like kidney disease.

Sign and Symptoms of abortion/ miscarriage

cramping pain and vaginal bleeding which can be mild, moderate, or severe, expulsion of tissue resembling clots.

Risk Factors

1. An increase in maternal age. Women under the age of 35 have about a 15% chance of miscarriage, but if you are over 35 yrs old, your chance of having a miscarriage goes up (your eggs get older too).
chance of miscarriage.
2. Pregnancies involving more than one fetus.
3. Uncontrolled diabetes. Women with controlled diabetes are not at higher risk of
4. Polycystic ovary syndrome is a risk factor for miscarriage, with 30-50% of pregnancies
in women with PCOS being miscarried in the first trimester.
5. High blood pressure during pregnancy, known as pre eclampsia, is sometimes caused
by an inappropriate immune reaction to the developing fetus, and is associated with
the risk of miscarriage. Women with a history of recurrent miscarriages are at risk of
developing pre eclampsia.
6. Severe cases of hypothyroidism The effect of milder cases of hypothyroidism on
miscarriage rates has not been established.
7. The presence of certain immune conditions such as autoimmune diseases is associated
with a greatly increased risk of miscarriage.
8. Certain illnesses (such as rubella, chlamydia and others) increase the risk of
9. Tobacco (cigarette) smokers have an increased risk of miscarriage. An increase in
miscarriage is also associated with the father being a cigarette smoker.
10. Cocaine use increases miscarriage rates. Physical traumas, exposure to environmental
toxins, and use of an IUD during the time of conception have also been linked to
increased risk of miscarriage.

Homeopathic approach

Homeopathy has a definite outcome to increase prospects of advancing pregnancy in most patients. Homeopathic treatment for miscarriages focus both on physical and emotional imbalances in a person. Homeopathy plays a constructive role in treating miscarriages by reinforcing the reproductive organs in both men and women, by improving uterine hostility and by regulating hormonal balance. The homeopathic constitutional approach also aides by mounting the thickness of the uterine lining and preventing the uterus from contracting hence abating chances of a miscarriage; it corrects placental insufficiency and can increase the quality and quantity of sperm count in men. The remedies furthermore help improve the patient’s immunity hence acting as prophylactic against infectious and systemic diseases. It can also be advantageous in reducing anxiety and grief caused by recurrent loss of pregnancy. Furthermore, reducing these overwhelmed emotions can help the embryo implantation take place in a favourable environment. Homoeopathy is a system of medicine directed at assisting the body’s own healing process and healing diseases.


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